(Alistair Young)
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Ru <shearwater+eldraeverse@gmail.com> on 2019-02-02 08:56:58 wrote:
but I was under the impression that the extreme amount of computation that goes into bitcoin actually helps with security, because anyone who wanted to falsify transaction data would basically have to recompute the entire chain, requiring more-or-less as much computing as was invested in it in the first place.
Its hard if you want to change the past, but you only need hold a majority of the compute power (for a proof of work system) or holds enough of whatever “stake” is defined to be in a proof-of-stake system then you can manipulate any future transaction after the point at which you achieved that status, for as long as you are powerful enough.
One would hope that the Eldrae have cryptocurrency mechanisms that aren’t nearly so fragile or wasteful as the ones we have.
With B, they have proved that P=NP, it’s called the ‘Isif Theorem’
I like that this is a single throwaway line in a 4 year old page, given the magnitude of the consequences of P=NP 
The funny thing is that I don’t think there’s anything in the eldraeverse that requires P=NP. Between quantum computation and time machines, any limtations implied by P!=NP have been quietly sidestepped anyway.
And they solved it because they have time travel
The existence and usability of closed timelike curves does not imply that P=NP, it “merely” means you can complete problems in PSPACE (which is a superset of NP problems) in a sensible amount of time. The amount of actual computational steps required to solve an NP problem could still be non-polynomial, its just that from the point of view of an outside observer it seems to take a constant time (possibly longer for PSPACE problems, but I Am Not A Mathematician, so I don’t know).
It is worth noting that access to CTCs alone does not let you make a hypercomputer, because you are still limited by the amount of storage you need to solve a given problem, which is why you “only” get to defeat PSPACE problems.
Alistair Young <us@arkane-systems.net> on 2019-02-03 10:21:20 wrote:
At the moment, considering what’s been published, the Theorem mostly shows up in the long backstory of technological development. (And is a lot less relevant now, given said development, than it used to be.)
Well, and other history: the Great Slump (the severe recession 2840-2848) was directly caused by the abrupt loss of faith its publication caused in secure banking systems, despite it being a non-constructive proof and the means of reversing the then-common public key algorithms not being produced until 2844, well after the majority of them had been phased out.
But one must publish and be damned, after all.