Amazon D'oh Moment

In which I learn today that I can actually just read Kindle e-books with a free app, and have been waiting for the paperbacks to go back in stock for the last month for nothing.

Goodbye social life, it’s been fun. I’ll see you next week!

Wait, what?

Now I’m confused, because they’re print on demand. The paperbacks should always be in stock. I’m going to have to check into this.

It may be worth adding that I’m in Southeast Asia, so maybe they update the stock differently there.

I’ve noticed USA books tend to cycle in and out of stock on Amazon AU, too. Now that I’m thinking about it, they’re more likely to be ‘in stock’ early in the month and ‘out of stock’ late in the month, so maybe there’s something on Amazon’s end about import taxes and wanting to stay under a certain threshold? This is wild speculation on my part, I don’t actually know the reason.