Originally published at: As She Is Spoke | The Eldraeverse
Some more words and phrases, since I’m feeling linguistic this morning: esélmór: remembrance; memory-token (from esél “remember” + mórés “token, representation”); an object kept to stimulate the memory. ethé: soft, yielding, comfortable feäl qalasír: necessity (internal; an irrefusable demand of the soul); from feäl – abstraction operator – + qalasír “driving energies of the individual”. galráësél: to recall with the body, as in trained reflexes or physical skills (from galrás “flesh” and esél “remember”) galshín: to carve (cut meat), a meat-carving knife galshíndar: one who uses a meat-carving knife; butcher hatheän: ephemeral, brief (from hath “time” + eän “flicker (of…