The Alathciera (lit. “weave-of-knowledge”) is the great encyclopedia published by the Repository of All Knowledge. It is a hypermedia encyclopedia containing 3×1218 bits of information, making up 2×1211 articles, based on the Repository’s 9,000 years of scholarship, and making up an abridged set of the full holdings of the Repository of All Knowledge. The Alathciera is intended to hold descriptions of all the classic literature and art of the Transcend and the Empire before it, and also all the key information in science, economics, history, and technology, over the entire lifespan of civilization; all represented in the Universal Syntax and automatically presented, searched, and translated on-the-fly into whatever formats and languages are desired by its users by integrated AI expert systems. The Alathciera is, thus, widely considered the definitive reference work for the civilized galaxy.
The interface provided for you, the Anglic reader, is a more limited flat-media hypertext interface, lacking the sophisticated artificial intelligence adjuncts which the original systems possess, and the ability to access technologically advanced media forms such as mnemonetic templates or parapersonalities. Trigraphic media have been converted to digraphics where possible. We apologize for the inconvenience, but regret that such compromises are inevitable in the provision of remote service to Middle Information Era worlds.
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00-1-00104-67203-1182 Lumenna-Súnáris (Imperial Core) Coronar Fealath Region Street of Studious Works Repository of All Knowledge Alathciera Board of Translators
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at