"So. To recap. You designed a system of self-replicating robots in the shape of snakes..."
"In our defense, the network disruption had lasted years and we couldn't run the idea past anyone."
"...which you equipped with an artificially-intelligent recognition system for coercive actions and proposals..."
"We were particularly careful with that part - even added extra safeties to your code. We didn't want any false positives."
"...and also equipped with a synthetic venom gland reproducing that of a local insect, widely believed to cause somewhat more pain than being shot, or hit with an algetic whip..."
"We borrowed the design from existing military drones. But -"
"...and then turned them loose."
The silence lasted for almost a minute.
"You're disappointed in us, aren't you?"
"Yes," Cyralí Ejava replied, choking back a laugh. "Officially, we are very disappointed in you. Unofficially, this is the funniest thing I've heard this dodecade and I wish you the best of very poor luck in rounding them all up again."
- a recently-recontacted seed back-briefing, Freedom's Seed COG
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://eldraeverse.com/2025/01/19/no-step-on-snek