Having just added a brief note to the FAQ on this point, consider the potential fallout from the first corporations to have the job of explaining to the state government of California (and indeed Congress in general) that no, actually, however much they may dislike the “gig economy”, as Imperial corporations they do not make use of wage labor.
Because it’s a form of labor organization that is best suited for those employing the untrustworthy and/or incompetent, and their corporate policy is that they neither hire the untrustworthy and/or incompetent, nor do they insult the trustworthy and competent by treating them as if they were neither.
…which, incidentally, has some rather unpleasant implications about how y’all think of your own population, now doesn’t it?
High fives all round for the first diplomat who says on camera “It is not and will never be the policy of this Empire to treat its own citizen-shareholders as ignorant, treacherous morons.”