Sorry, just have to share this particular rant a little more:
So, I hear that Sam Altman was justifying AI regulation using nuclear power regulation as an example.
Nuclear power regulation, huh?
Well, if the aim is to crush implementation of the technology right out of the gate, leaving our descendants to curse our dull-minded idiocy, blithering superstitionism, and complete lack of anything resembling foresight, as they labor like peasants on their degrowth-enabled community subsistence farms in the People’s Republic of Carbotopia, that should do just nicely.
After all, who could possibly imagine that a minimal-pollution carbon-free potentially-cheap source of high-grade energy might be useful in these days of crisis and brouhaha if only they got out of the fuckin’ way.
Seriously, anyone who uses the nuclear regulatory process as a positive example, regardless of context, should be banned from having any of their opinions about anything taken seriously thenceforth on general principle.
No, Mister Safety-Fetish, I can’t tell you what’s likely to be coming down the pipe that AI development might help us with.
Way back in the day of the original nuclear regulation fight, I probably couldn’t have told you that your dumbass stance was gonna broil your grandchildren, either. Learn to beware and respect the unknown unknowns before they turn into the known skullfuckings.