For those mildly bothered by the ambiguity in the size of the Empire heretofore present, I’m here to relieve you of that ambiguity. It is precisely 243 systems in size, of which 226 can be found in the list below, the other 17 being ecumenical colonies whose name and location shall remain obscure so that I can place ’em when I need ’em.
(This also doesn’t count the six naval bases, four naval depots, scientific research stations – like those at Eye of Night (Last Darkness), Leytra (Ringstars), or Serehn (Glimmerstars) – or trade stations – such as Uílel (Csell Buffer) over which no permanent sovereign claim is made, or for that matter the scattering of Imperial exclaves. So its presence is found in rather more systems, but it only claims 243 as sovereign territory.)
The patron offer? Well, here’s the deal and the point in posting this rather lengthy list of systems; pick one, and I’ll tell you something about/set at/etc. it. In some cases you already know something about them, in others you don’t, but either way, give me one of those creativity-stimulating constraints, why don’t you? Open to any Patreon level.
- Acheva (Methizar Traverse); ecumenical colony
- Aevarae (Principalities)
- Aiö (Imperial Core)
- Alanene (Principalities)
- Almalex (Flaming Skies Complex); ecumenical colony
- Almeä (Thirteen Colonies)
- Amerál (Talie Marches)
- Anjeä (High Verge)
- Annabar (Talie Marches)
- Anniax (Imperial Core)
- Aperyte (Loroi Quarter); ecumenical colony
- Arála (Banners)
- Arathis (Talie Marches)
- Argyran Depository (Imperial Core); privately held storage facility
- Asamis (Imperial Core)
- Asthé (Principalities)
- Athallar (Imperial Core)
- Aurel (Imperial Core)
- Belynar (Principalities)
- Berrésis (Talie Marches)
- Brennar (Imperial Core)
- Brevia (Admigon Corridor); ecumenical colony
- Bríänth (Principalities)
- Caliar (Imperial Core)
- Calíäthé (First Expanses)
- Caliss (Imperial Core)
- Calríäkay (First Expanses)
- Camaríä (Principalities)
- Cathchal (Principalities)
- Cepten (Turathi Expanse); ecumenical colony
- Cerise (Banners)
- Chenachale (High Verge)
- Chereth (High Verge)
- Chessene (First Expanses)
- Chiríästé (Talie Marches)
- Cilmínár (Thirteen Colonies)
- Cinnaré (Imperial Core)
- Cinté (Thirteen Colonies)
- Clajdíä (Thirteen Colonies)
- Coentis (Banners)
- Conclave (Imperial Core); home of the Conclave of Galactic Polities
- Corabar (Talie Marches)
- Corámus (Banners)
- Coricál Ailék (Imperial Core); Cirys swarm housing the Eldraeic Transcend’s core
- Corse Eth (Banners)
- Cortanth (Imperial Core)
- Corundar (Banners)
- Culúlic (Talie Marches); mezuar homeworld
- Daliethé (Principalities)
- Delphys (Imperial Core)
- Delthiax (Principalities)
- Démis (Imperial Core)
- Desníär (First Expanses)
- Díärisár (Banners)
- Dímae (Imperial Core)
- Dumevoi (Aris Delphi); ecumenical colony; arterial intersection
- Dvetrameir (Talie Marches)
- Ecanthé (High Verge)
- Eilisset (High Verge)
- Éorre (High Verge)
- Eldersthine (Imperial Core)
- Ellisar (Imperial Core)
- Elúeléä (First Expanses)
- Esilmúr (Imperial Core); Cirys bubble for energy generation
- Eskay (First Expanses)
- Estramír (First Expanses)
- Estrevess (High Verge)
- Ethíölár (First Expanses)
- Fentiríäs (Talie Marches)
- Fíäcál (Principalities)
- Fithral (Principalities)
- Galáré (Thirteen Colonies/Galari Trinary); galari homeworld
- Gáling (Ring Nebula); ecumenical colony
- Galiríäl (Principalities)
- Gíänaxíäs (First Expanses)
- Golden Groves (Principalities)
- Hacíäl (High Verge)
- Harmonious Chorus Eternal (High Verge); conlegial colony
- Helymene (Principalities)
- Iliriléä (First Expanses)
- Intainár (Principalities)
- Intais (Ley Nebula); ecumenical colony
- Ionaï (First Expanses)
- Irétectep (Talie Marches)
- Irimiril (Principalities)
- Isefang (Talie Marches)
- Isilmír (Banners)
- Isonár (Principalities)
- Istelrith (High Verge)
- Jandine (Imperial Core); corporate conlegial colony
- Janiris (Imperial Core)
- Jiradar (Imperial Core)
- Jiraltae (First Expanses)
- Kaeris (Talie Marches)
- Kalacha Eth (Banners)
- Kalanár (Banners)
- Kalmár (First Expanses)
- Kanatar (Imperial Core)
- Kordaray (First Expanses)
- Kythera (Thirteen Colonies)
- Lantoctectep (Talie Marches)
- Leiralan (High Verge)
- Lestíne (High Verge)
- Lincál (High Verge)
- Lintis (Banners)
- Lírakay (First Expanses)
- Listel (Principalities)
- Lociltectep (Talie Marches)
- Loeth (Banners)
- Losen (Imperial Core)
- Lostranene (Principalities)
- Luciverine (Eponian Cluster); ecumenical colony
- Lumenna-Súnáris (Imperial Core); eldrae homeworld
- Lunisae (Imperial Core)
- Madréä (High Verge)
- Mahalloris (Principalities)
- Mazir (Imperial Core)
- Méklish (High Verge)
- Melancthé (First Expanses)
- Meliaedár (Principalities)
- Menéä (Banners)
- Meridia (Imperial Core)
- Merísse (Talie Marches)
- Merrion (Imperial Core)
- Meryn (Imperial Core)
- Minisír (First Expanses)
- Minnemír (First Expanses)
- Mírlan (Imperial Core)
- Mishníär (Principalities)
- Mmrdene (Principalities); esseli homeworld
- Moníär (First Expanses)
- Moradímae (High Verge)
- Muiríbar (Talie Marches)
- Mynár (Imperial Core); myneni homeworld
- Natahish (High Verge)
- Nepenene (Principalities)
- Neríällár (First Expanses)
- Níäca (First Expanses)
- Nivalta Eth (Banners)
- Ocella (Imperial Core)
- Ólish (High Verge); ciseflish homeworld
- Ondrameir (Banners)
- Opteros (Iesa Drifts); ecumenical colony; arterial intersection
- Orotai (Talie Marches)
- Othalbar (Talie Marches)
- Palaxias (Imperial Core); Capital Fleet naval base
- Palíbar (High Verge)
- Paltraeth (Banners); kaeth homeworld
- Pentameir (Talie Marches)
- Pentár (High Verge)
- Perathilár (High Verge)
- Peréä (Thirteen Colonies)
- Períäléä (First Expanses)
- Períëstal (Talie Marches)
- Phílae (Thirteen Colonies)
- Pikirímír (First Expanses)
- Polassár (First Expanses)
- Ponratectep (Talie Marches)
- Qaradár (High Verge)
- Qechra (Imperial Core); Transcend manufacturing world
- Qeraq (Galari Trinary)
- Qindár (High Verge)
- Qoríär (Principalities)
- Ramír (High Verge)
- Resplendent Exponential Vector (Imperial Core); private conlegial research colony
- Revallá (Imperial Core)
- Rhovan (High Verge)
- Ríäjdíä (High Verge)
- Ríällebar (Talie Marches)
- Rílár (Banners)
- Rosimír (High Verge)
- Runiax (First Expanses)
- Sahal (Cinti Xi); ecumenical colony; arterial intersection
- Samtabar (Talie Marches)
- Saradene (Banners)
- Sarpé (Banners)
- Sechale (High Verge)
- Senadár (Thirteen Colonies)
- Senris (Talie Marches)
- Seqalla (Principalities)
- Seranth (Imperial Core); major tradeworld
- Serenníär (Banners)
- Sevára (Thirteen Colonies)
- Sidar (Principalities)
- Síëntra (Banners)
- Silariar (Imperial Core)
- Siríäleth (Talie Marches)
- Solminae (Azure Fade); ecumenical colony; arterial intersection
- Ssssuuuuusssicc/Eversky (Principalities); sssc!haaaouú homeworld
- Sulíäd (Imperial Core)
- Sy (Imperial Core)
- Synalish (High Verge)
- Synergy (High Verge); conlegial colony
- Talaton (Imperial Core)
- Tanja (Talie Marches)
- Taríäkar (High Verge)
- Taris (Thirteen Colonies)
- Tarvaray (First Expanses)
- Temisdár (Banners)
- Tessil (Galari Trinary)
- Tevene (Banners)
- Thalíär (Principalities); shell world
- Tinf (Nesthin Abyss); ecumenical colony
- Tireth (Talie Marches)
- Tisérai (Talie Marches)
- Torachal (Talie Marches)
- Toralish (High Verge)
- Toríänai (Talie Marches)
- Traxíäs (First Expanses)
- Uldarimír (First Expanses)
- Ulsish (High Verge)
- Valiár (Thirteen Colonies)
- Vanarál (Talie Marches)
- Vervian (Imperial Core)
- Vevial (Starry Lane); ecumenical colony
- Víëlle (Thirteen Colonies)
- Vintranár (Principalities)
- Víöresa (High Verge)
- Vordon (Lis Corridor); conlegial and ecumenical colony of Ultimate Argument Risk Control, ICC; also known as “Merchome”
- Votíra Eth (Banners)
- Vyliar (Banners)
- Wynérias (Imperial Core); corporate conlegial research colony
- Wynfang (Imperial Core)
- Xanthé (Banners)
- Xirameir (Talie Marches)
- Zaltéca (Banners)
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at