Drop Pod: The Piton-class drop pod and Fist-class triple drop pods, specifically, the former of which drops a single heavy legionary from orbit to ground, and the latter of which drops three light legionaries likewise. A modified Fist is also used to drop equipment packages.
(Unlike many variants on this theme, these drop pods aren’t intentionally used to damage the enemy, although if one does land on someone’s head, that’s a bonus: it’s hard enough to get a legionary safely to the ground, through flak, with a suicide-burn flight profile as it is without having it try and double as a KEW. Besides, you can always throw a few actual KEWs out in front of it…)
Actually, the Piton et seq. probably do look something like a slim SOEIV. Slim, because the SOEIV is, by Legion standards, trying to do too much. (It comes with commo gear, additional supplies, etc., etc. Like paratroopers before them, stormtroopers drop carrying everything they need on them; additional supplies come down in their own drop capsules. Likewise, you don’t have a crash seat and the ability to move around in a Piton; you’re basically wearing it, and the space between your armor’s outside and its inside is filled with pressurized, shock-absorbing, thermally-insulating concussion gel. As in the Marlinspike-class MAV.)
They do, of course, have maneuvering capability (gyros and RCS), and to be the fair to the SOEIV, it also canonically does. Unlike the SOEIV, however, it doesn’t muck about with parachute braking. We’re doing suicide burns here, friends, and ending with a lithobrake - enjoy the gees and be sure to re-drop your testes when you’re done.
As for the rest: it neither needs nor wants countermeasures, ECM, point-defense, or [pre-embarkation] defense weapons. Why? In the case of the former, because you don’t particularly want to draw attention to the pod among the glitterball that is the drop, and so you can drop a bunch of disposable countermeasures capsules along with them to carry that load and, conveniently, have much higher sensor profiles than the pods they’re defending.
In the case of the latter? You just did a rocket-assisted hard landing and the pod explosively disassembled around you to let you out. The violence of your arrival (and the crater you probably made) is your embarkation cover.