Trope-a-Day: Exposed Extraterrestrials

Exposed Extraterrestrials: Averted entirely, for reasons as disparate as regulating temperature, protection from environmental hazards, etiquette, and perhaps most significantly of all, pockets. (Literally everyone in the galaxy who isn’t actually sessile has invented pockets, and arguably the ones who are have too, except they call them cabinets.) Even those species (say, the dar-bandal) whose fur privilege takes care of the first three above still wear a Waistcoat of Style for the sake of the pockets.

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Whelp. I am reminded of how many people on the planet haven’t interacted with marsupials. Because yeah, pouches aren’t even in the same postal code as pockets. Would someone temporarily stash something there? I can see that happening, in the same way that I have put things in my mouth when that was inadvisable but my hands were full. But it’s not comfortable or wise.

Sticking your fingers in a roo’s pouch is like sticking your fingers in someone’s nose, or yes in their vagina. It’s moist, you have to stretch the orifice and it very much feels like you shouldn’t be poking around there. (But it’s the only way to check for a joey and that was necessary.)

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