I’ll admit that I’ve been bandying this question around in my brain for a bit, but I’ve almost been afraid to ask it simply because of the magnitude of the matters involved themselves, but here goes:
If, after all is said and done — all the Science has been scienced; every nut, bolt, and fundamental particle has been accounted for in both position and momentum; every possible problem and impediment except the Very Last One has been surmounted, and the Empire has root access to the very source code of the Universe — it turns out that Perfect Liberty and Perfect Negentropy are fundamentally incompatible… well, what happens next?
Easy. Punch a hole out of the universe into the embedding brane and its primordial cacoastrum, step outside, and then tear down the universe and build a new, improved, all-around better one where they are fundamentally compatible! (With blackjack! And hookers!)
And if the bulk isn’t going to play ball, then they’ll just have to figure out how to tear down and replace that too.
Failure Is Not An Option.
(And, after all, we already have one major negentropic event to work from, and what has been done? Can be done.)
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://eldraeverse.com/2016/09/01/when-the-universe-tries-to-block-show-it-that-you-rock