ping ping ping ping ping
Grid minus two, plus eleven. Negative ping response.
This is taking too long. It’s been almost two of my three hours. And so far…
ping ping ping ping ping
Grid minus one, plus eleven. Negative ping response.
…no sign of the cutter. Just some small scraps, nothing big enough by half. Now…
ping ping ping PING ping
Grid zero, plus eleven. Positive ping response. Profiling.
…maybe? Ah, crap. It’s clean, but it’s tiny. Can’t be any more than a toolbox.
ping ping ping ping ping
Grid plus one, plus eleven. Negative ping response.
So be it. Five minutes. Then I make for the aft…
ping ping ping ping ping
Grid plus two, plus eleven. Negative ping response.
…section. No delays, Isif. No more scanning. Just make the run you can.
ping PING PING PING ping
Grid plus three, plus eleven, positive ping response and — void gods’ imperceptible excrement! Thirty by eight, cylindrical profile! That’s the damn cutter!
navmod<- !gyrospin exec (spotter::current)
I’m coming for you.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at