Minor Weirdnesses

  1. Now here’s one that is both rather more major and which will also be quite the post-contact hilarity, I ween.

Consider the nature of queer culture, insofar as there is an identifiable aggregate that is such a thing over the many social milieus therein, in the 'verse. Specifically, consider that many memeplexes (especially the cultural and, if one must, political) end up being rather messy amalgams of elements that happen to be statistically associated even if not logically associated.

Also consider who the 'verse’s standard-bearers are for memes along the lines of morphological freedom and “love as thou wilt”. (Note to t’other thread: the Holy Order of Deoclasts has some wonderful fire-and-brimstone preachers they borrowed from the itinerant order of Éléia-Líëran willing to explain to you that your ideas on marriage restriction are damnable in Their Eyes and you, sir, are going to the Special Hell.)

So, y’know, this is not to say that 'verse queer culture has entirely adopted Imperial views on harmony, wholesomeness, and squishy individualism because they happen to fit with the same memeplex as “and by the way, you’re, like, people just as good as anyone else, and fuck anyone who says otherwise”, but it is to say that it’s been soaking in their cultural output of same for long enough to give those expecting a more Earth-like scenario one hell of a shock.