The Oldest Eldrae?

How old is the oldest Eldrae? In Tolkien, some of the Vanyar born in Cuiviénen, like Ingwë, are definitely still alive at the end of the Third Age, making them at least ten thousand years old, and it’s at least possible that Imin, the first elf to awaken, is still alive. Do any Eldrae survive from, say, before the founding of the Empire?

I thought the answer was “yes, and from a while before that”, but I couldn’t find the post where I thought it said that, or rather AFAICT the post that I thought say this did not in fact say this.

As it turns out, the actual answer is “yes, but barely”; the details are over here.

Well that was straightforward. :slight_smile: I guess I need to get better at searching the blog. (Or in this case, remember that the search function exists in the first place…)

It actually wasn’t remotely this straightforward for me :slight_smile:

First I had to find the post I was thinking of, which was a Trope-a-Day entry, and I didn’t remember the exact name of the trope in question either, so I had to check TV Tropes first. It was Time Abyss but there were several false starts before finding that.
Then I realized that it didn’t actually have the statement I assumed it did (but another similar-but-distinct statement, referring to Earth’s timeline, which I in retrospect probably misunderstood), and naively assumed that I must have been thinking of some other entry.
A search for that other entry also didn’t work, but then I decided to check tags, and in particular the “age” tag which I assumed was probably relevant. The post I ultimately linked was the first result for that tag.

In retrospect, had I originally just directly searched for “oldest eldrae” I would have found it pretty quickly. (I’m guessing something like this was the cause of your search-function realization.)

…all of the above took up somewhere around ten minutes; one thing I am fortunately fairly good at is reading stuff (by human standards) very quickly.

Yes—I assumed you’d done some kind of search of the blog, remembered that it actually has a search function, searched “oldest”, noticed the answer was in the first result, and proceeded to :person_facepalming:.

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