Again, you know how this works…
- Ooh, monologue-ing. That’s a good sign.
- Well, someone forgot the first rule of mucking about with poorly understood paleotech artifacts, didn’t they?
- Mind-zapping scepters work much better, I feel, when they don’t change your eye color.
- Free from freedom? Well, someone just lost any possible audience sympathy.
- Nice paranoia training, Agent Hill. The ISS approves.
- Even nicer reverse-interrogation technique. Likewise.
- Hello, Reason Why We Tend Not To Leave Things To Councils In Our Universe.
- Good to see Tony Stark putting his tech into practical use.
- Ah, Loki, you brood so well.
- Well, someone graduated posturing school summa cum laude.
- Ah, a flying carrier. Evidently SHIELD, too, knows the value of Shock and Awesome.
- Big ‘ol science sighs at this abuse of iridium.
- You, good sir, are the one person in that crowd we respect.
- …love the entrance.
- …and the next entrance. Bringing the storm, eh?
- Y’all are the worst ever at conflict resolution.
- (Well, maybe not all audience sympathy, inasmuch as Loki looks kind of beaten up around the eyeballs and maybe under the influence of his own scepter. But it’s pretty definitely reserved until we find out more about that.)
- We bow in awe to Tony Snark.
- Another very nice interrogation – with the truth – there. Plus understanding of clemency and obligation.
- Your engine redundancy ain’t great, though. Pair and a spare, guys.
- I’d also just like to say that this is a very badly designed engine and you ought to talk to somebody about that when you get home.
- Ooh, virus delivery by arrow. I like it.
- Again with the quality paranoia training. Never trust a field deconversion.
- And Phil Coulson shows us all how to earn your way into your local equivalent of Valhalla.
- Good for you, Mr. Security Guard. Unflappable and highly decent.
- “I’ve got red in my ledger; I’d like to wipe it out.” is such an eldraeic sentiment.
- …yeah, that ain’t going to work. *tink* *tink*
- The audience can only imagine how embarrassed Loki, who is quite the snappy dresser, must feel about being stuck with leading this army of ugly-ass cods on their ugly-ass space-bikes.
- And that’s a giant bone-plated space-planaria? Really?
- (Definite case of brainfucked-eyes right there.)
- Yeah, these Chitauri are definitely a warrior culture, insofar as their battle plan is the awesomesauce “leap into buildings and fire randomly at civilians” strategy. If they didn’t have their tech and huge numbers advantage, a Girl Scout troop could mop ’em up with time left over for cookies.
- Cap shows us the right way for Asskicking to Equal Authority.
- Yes, that is definitely a stupid-ass decision. The audience gives Fury a standing ovation.
- The Inadvisable Weapons researcher is taking a bunch of notes on Hawkeye’s arrows, too.
- SHIELD are quite distressingly good at shooting at themselves, aren’t they? Also, I’m pretty sure the Imperial Military Service have the right position on firing IRNs at your own cities; to wit, don’t. Even if you’re ordered to, because how the shit is that a legal or ethical order?
- …your troops are all hard-wired to suicide when you lose the central command point? Did you guys learn everything from Amazingly Self-Defeating Strategies Monthly?
- Yeah, that just confirms that Fury would be better off without the Omniscient Council of Asshats armchair quarterbacking.
- …not that unruly. Just some of them. And oh, look, it’s the blue-eyed thing behind the thing.
It’ll work for the Imperial audience, although human culture/nature and distressing flexibility about the knees is still different enough to require some translation/explanation.
(It also comfortably confirms their prejudices that governments in general – looking at you, Council guys, and Senator hold-the-Avengers-responsible – tend to be made up of idiots and assholes and it’s always up to the few, the proud, the heroic cooperating individuals to save the day again despite the former’s best efforts to worsen the situation.)
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