Post capitalism cannot be achieved by artificially restricting the ability of the market to do what it does best – enable peaceful cooperation between mutually disinterested strangers. Post capitalism is achieved when capital itself becomes irrelevant due not to crippling shortage, but embarrassing abundance.
Most of the people wanting a “post-capitalist” world are stuck in the teenage rebellion era of making the dead hands of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin try to play the economic piano to ensure that the State vanishes and we all live in a world of absolute freedom with out Big Sky And Land Daddy telling us what we can and cannot do.
The issue is that to make post-capitalism work, we need a revolution of the adults. We need to create a culture of both responsibility and respect, and that’s going to be the second-hardest part.
The first is avoiding classic Heinleinian “bad luck” in the process, when the few people that can really think either escape somewhere that isn’t here, or start thinking about things that can’t really help to get things going.